It will be an incredible year for Masaya Sano of the popular JPOP idol group Ae! group (Aぇ! group). Not only has the group just announced their debut along with a national tour and the release of their first single, but But, He will also star alongside one of Japan’s most beloved character actors (Sei Hiraizumi) in the coming-of age / end-of-life drama Tomorrow in the Finder (明日を綴る写真館).

Based on the manga of the same name by Risa Aruta, Tomorrow in the Finder is a slice-of-life story about Samejima (Hiraizumi)– a photographer who is grappling with regret at the end of his life, and Taiichi (Sano), who gives up his own career to become Samejima’s apprentice.

In a statement Sano said: “I’m Masaya Sano from Ae! group, and I will be playing the role of Taiichi Igarashi. Director Akiyama and Nakai-san had so kindly told me previously “Let’s definitely work together again!”, and being able to participate in one of their works again, the filming period was filled with joy every day for me. It’s a warm piece that reminds us of the love woven into our daily lives. While observering Naru-san and Samejima-san’s backs, I was able to grow alongside Taiichi.
I hope this movie becomes a piece that colors everyone’s tomorrow.”*

Tomorrow in the Finder will be released on 7 June 2024 in Japan. No word on international distribution yet.

*Thanks to Oru / Dumpling Box for the translation

There will be more Sano and Aぇ! group soon so…

Stay Tuned!